Pale Horse Puvlishing
AuAuthors, Joshua Evans
About the Author, Joshua Evans

Joshua was born in 1991 and began the process of daily exchange from one parent to the other, spending each work-day with his father and each evening with his mother and half-siblings. Weekends were alternated. Because his mother had to relocate, by the age of one he was being transported 2,000 miles twice a month. Once Joshua started school he would travel "unaccompanied' several times a year. When Joshua turned eleven, he realized he had worked out many ways to deal with the variables of each household and the stresses of having two homes. His desire to write a book for other children gave him the enthusiasm to motivate the adults around him to assist him during the seven months it took to complete his project.

How to go to Visitation Without Throwing Up
Reading level: Ages 9-12
Pages: 106
Publisher: Pale horse Publishing 2002
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 5.5 x 0.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces

In the Authors own words:
I know about visitation because I have been going for 11 years. I have got there by car, van, 18 wheeler truck, train, taxicab and airplane.
When I was a baby I didn’t care.
When I got bigger I would cry not to go. My dad would hold me and I would shake and cry. I wasn’t afraid of my mom, I just did not want to go away. I wanted everyone I loved to stay around me. I traveled to visitation and home 4 to 6 times a year for the big holidays, spring break and summer.
Later I would get mad because my friends where I lived most of the time would get to do lots of stuff while I was gone. My dad said it was not only an order of the court but it was the right thing to do. It cost my mom and my dad a lot of money and trouble to send me back and forth. I would get upset and worried about going and sometimes I made a big deal out of it. I would say I never wanted to go ever again.
Sometimes I would even throw-up.

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